Now that you’ve had a glimpse at our process for bringing in new investments, it is time to look at a more continuous investing responsibility of our firm: managing our current portfolios. This involves using the various investing actions that can be taken to continuously update and tweak our current holdings. This helps to ensure that our models reflect the current markets and maintain our goal of outperformance. Let’s take a look at these options:
Creekmur Wealth Advisors
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Creekmur Investing 203: Investing Actions
Topics: Investing
Creekmur Investing 202: Tools for Analysis
How an individual or advisor conducts an analysis for a potential investment is one of the largest contributors to the long-term success of that particular investment. If someone has a well thought out analysis process, the odds of investing success could greatly increase.
Topics: Investing
Creekmur Investing 201: Investing Schools of Thought
In this next section of our investing series, we will be examining the philosophy side of investing. There are essentially two schools of thought: fundamental and technical. These two approaches to investing are often placed on opposite ends of the spectrum, but most investors fall somewhere in between the two schools. Let’s dive in!
Topics: Investing
In this series, Creekmur Wealth wants to give you a better understanding of how we go about investing for our clients: what our thought process is, what tools we use, and, what our options are for your products. But first, allow us to introduce ourselves to those of you who do not know us yet.
Topics: Investing
Are you aware of them?
The federal government offers some major tax breaks for older Americans. Some of these perks deserve more publicity than they receive.
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Staying Out of Debt Once You Get Out of Debt
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Is Generation X Preparing Adequately for Retirement?
Future financial needs may be underestimated.
If you were born during 1965-80, you belong to “Generation X.” Ten or twenty years ago, you may have thought of retirement as an event in the lives of your parents or grandparents; within the next 10-15 years, you will probably be thinking about how your own retirement will unfold.1
Topics: Uncategorized, Financial Planning, Retirement
How can you create a solid retirement plan? How can you help ensure that your True Wealth is protected? Most people have at least one, if not multiple, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs, Roth IRAs, and Brokerage accounts. But how many of you are truly leveraging other useful savings tools like HSAs, Roth IRA Conversions, and the Saver’s Credit just to name a few? Very few people are fully utilizing all of the financial tools available to them. That is why we would encourage you to consider looking at these underappreciated options for potentially greater retirement savings:
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Your Diversified Portfolio vs. the S&P 500
How global returns and proper diversification are affecting overall returns.
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Look beyond this moment and stay focused on your long-term objectives.
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