Social Security: When Should You Claim?

Posted by Andrew Pisel on 9:00 AM on May 16, 2022

The biggest and most important decision an individual can make when starting retirement is the age they will decide to take social security. I stand by the fact that this is the most crucial decision you will make in your financial life and will have a huge impact on your financial plan depending on the decision that is made.

The majority of Americans are under informed about the rules surrounding social security and how the benefits program works. And we are not alone. If you have ever called the social security office, you may have realized that the workers may even be ill-informed as well.

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Topics: Claiming Social Security, Investing, Investment Portfolio, Social Security, Social Security income

Retirement Blindspots

Posted by Creekmur Wealth Advisors on 3:41 PM on December 17, 2020

Some life and financial factors that can sometimes be overlooked.

We all have our “blue sky” visions of the way retirement should be, yet our futures may unfold in ways we do not predict. So, as you think about your “second act,” you may want to consider some life and financial factors that can suddenly arise.

You may end up retiring earlier than you expect. If you leave the workforce at “full” retirement age (FRA), which is 67 for those born in 1960 and later, you may be eligible to claim “full” Social Security benefits. Working until 67 may be worthwhile because it will reduce your monthly Social Security benefits if you claim them between age 62 and your FRA.1

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Topics: Aging, Claiming Social Security, Financial Planning, long term objectives, Retirement

When Is Social Security Income Taxable?

Posted by Creekmur Wealth Advisors on 11:21 AM on October 2, 2018

To find out, look closely at two factors.

Your Social Security income could be taxed. That may seem unfair or unfathomable. Regardless of how you feel about it, it is a possibility.

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Topics: charitable IRA gift, Claiming Social Security, Uncategorized, Financial Planning, RMD, Social Security income, Tax on Social Security Income

Before You Claim Social Security

Posted by Creekmur Wealth Advisors on 1:23 PM on February 26, 2018

A few things you may want to think about before filing for benefits.

Whether you want to leave work at 62, 67, or 70, claiming the retirement benefits you are entitled to by federal law is no casual decision. You will want to consider a few key factors first.

How long do you think you will live? If you have a feeling you will live into your nineties, for example, it may be better to claim later. If you start receiving Social Security benefits at or after Full Retirement Age (which varies from age 66-67 for those born in 1943 or later), your monthly benefit will be larger than if you had claimed at 62. If you file for benefits at FRA or later, chances are you probably a) worked into your mid-sixties, b) are in fairly good health, c) have sizable retirement savings.1

If you sense you might not live into your eighties or you really, really need retirement income, then claiming at or close to 62 might make more sense. If you have an average lifespan, you will, theoretically, receive the average amount of lifetime benefits regardless of when you claim them; the choice comes down to more lifetime payments that are smaller or fewer lifetime payments that are larger. For the record, Social Security’s actuaries project the average 65-year-old man living 84.3 years and the average 65-year-old woman living 86.6 years.2

Will you keep working? You might not want to work too much, for earning too much income can result in your Social Security being withheld or taxed.

Prior to Full Retirement Age, your benefits may be lessened if your income tops certain limits. In 2017, if you are 62-65 and receive Social Security, $1 of your benefits will be withheld for every $2 that you earn above $16,920. If you receive Social Security and turn 66 this year, then $1 of your benefits will be withheld for every $3 that you earn above $44,880.3

Social Security income may also be taxed above the program’s “combined income” threshold. (“Combined income” = adjusted gross income + non-taxable interest + 50% of Social Security benefits.) Single filers who have combined incomes from $25,000-34,000 may have to pay federal income tax on up to 50% of their Social Security benefits, and that also applies to joint filers with combined incomes of $32,000-44,000. Single filers with combined incomes above $34,000 and joint filers whose combined incomes surpass $44,000 may have to pay federal income tax on up to 85% of their Social Security benefits.3

When does your spouse want to file? Timing does matter. For some couples, having the lower-earning spouse collect first may result in greater lifetime benefits for the household.4

Finally, how much in benefits might be coming your way? Visit to find out, and keep in mind that Social Security calculates your monthly benefit using a formula based on your 35 highest-earning years. If you have worked for less than 35 years, Social Security fills in the “blank years” with zeros. If you have, say, just 33 years of work experience, working another couple of years might translate to slightly higher Social Security income.4

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Topics: Claiming Social Security, Uncategorized, Financial Planning, Retirement, Social Security

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