This summer we have plans to take a few days off here and there to relax and spend some time with family – always a good thing to do during the summer months! One of these occasions included a long weekend in Park City, UT which is one of our favorite places in winter and summer. My son Alex wanted to take a mountain biking trip and, although I haven’t ridden a bike in quite some time, I agreed to tag along. Overall, it was a good experience and a beautiful day in spite of the downhill tumble that I took! Get the “full” story in my video below!🚵
Enjoy your Blessings While Navigating the Bumps!
Topics: Build True Wealth, Investing, From John's Desk
Much of the material available regarding personal finances is directed towards W-2 workers, or what we would consider a traditional “employee.” This makes sense, research from 2019 showed that roughly 72% of Americans are traditional employees.1 But, the other 28% of our working population has some specific financial planning needs as well. Today we want to touch on a few tips to help self-employed workers keep their financial house in order.
Topics: Financial Planning, Retirement, small business owner, self-employed
Cryptocurrency isn’t the black sheep it once was. It’s hit the mainstream, and it’s grabbing up more headlines and investors than ever before.
These days, about 1 in 7 Americans own some type of cryptocurrency. And a little more than half of them bought it for the first time in 2020.1
Topics: cryptocurrency
Are you tired of hearing about taxes? You're not alone! Over the past year with all of the new government spending, talk of increasing taxes has been consistently present in the news-stream.
But regardless of how we feel about taxes, there are a lot of new and changing developments in this national conversation. So, let's dive in.
Topics: taxes
Required Minimum Distributions are on for 2021, but some of the rules have changed. Here's what you need to know now.
Topics: Taxes and retirees, taxes
There are compelling reasons to adopt a wait-and-see approach.
Inflation can be a scary word for people who are retired. It’s code for “prices are going up, but my income may stay the same.”
The most recent reading on consumer prices put inflation back into the conversation. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.8% in April 2021 and jumped by a greater-than-expected 4.2% year-over-year.1
Topics: inflation
How much inflation can we handle before we're in trouble? Let's discuss. . .
First, let’s get on the same page about some basics. If you’ve noticed the price of a thing increasing over time (say, your favorite candy bar or the cost of college tuition), that’s inflation in action. Economists use the broad increase (or decrease) in prices of goods and services across the country as a measure of economic health. When inflation is stable and predictable, it’s a sign of a basically healthy, growing economy.
Topics: inflation
3 Questions to Answer about Retirement Plan Options
Do you know someone that is retired and receiving a nice, predictable pension check every month? Maybe you're lucky enough to be covered by a pension plan—perhaps your benefit is still growing, maybe it’s frozen, or perhaps you are already receiving payments. While the word pension still means something in our vocabulary, more and more the pensions of old are going the way of the dinosaurs.
Topics: Retirement
Plan for True Wealth Tomorrow - Live True Wealth Today!
Here at Creekmur Wealth we're really focused on goals based planning. Our goal is to help each of our clients fulfill their goals for the future they envision for themselves. We call it True Wealth - All the things in life that money cannot buy.
Topics: Build True Wealth, Financial Planning, From John's Desk
6 Accounts To Build a Solid Financial Foundation
It's time to “get your financial house in order.” But, what exactly does that mean?
There's a lot that goes into the process of getting your finances in order, but the first step is to be sure your financial house is built on a solid foundation. This means that you have six fundamental pillars (accounts) in place that are designed for sustaining your financial well-being and creating wealth.
Topics: Financial Planning, Investing, saving and investing