Creekmur Wealth Advisors

How to Enjoy the Journey

Written by John Creekmur, MBA, CFP® | 8:26 PM on January 20, 2021

Recently Stacy and I decided to take a road trip without planning the route in advance. We planned to take the scenic roads and just enjoy the journey. As we went along we spontaneously turned one way or the other, visiting small towns and historic places. It was an opportunity for us to take a break from current events and present concerns and simply enjoy our trip.

It's easy to be filled with worry as we focus on all of the various events and issues going on in our world today. We focus on the things we can't control rather than all of the choices we do have.  Each of us needs to remember that we elect our own future in many regards.

There are times where we need to turn off the news and social media and just get away. Maybe on an actual trip or maybe just a mental break. Whatever your "break" looks like, it's important to give yourself time to focus on the things you are in control of, the decisions that you can make.

National and world events will continue year after year. It's important to know what's happening in the world, but never lose sight of the fact that you elect your future.  Only you can make the decisions that will allow you to enjoy this one journey of life.